Area 9 Events
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May 2019 Ringing News
Fertilizing Your Local Handbell Community
One of the best parts of being part of a handbell group is the sense of community it brings. We love to ring and share the gift of music with others. Just as a farmer or gardener tends and nurtures their fields to produce a bountiful harvest or showcase a beautiful landscape, what can we do as handbell ringers and enthusiasts to fertilize the handbell community? READ MORE
Featured Membership Benefit
Through MemberChats and MemberNotes, we bring you insightful articles and informative, live chats with the movers and shakers of the handbell art form. From new chats to archived notes, there is truly something for every member. LEARN MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this fun membership benefit!
Featured Education Tool
From rehearsal warm ups and hymn accompaniments to new music and unique ringing opportunities, Overtones has articles, music, and tools to help ringers and directors at all levels in all locations. With past issues also available online, there is even more in your membership than ever before! READ MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this featured education tool.