Area 9 Events

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January 2019 Ringing News

Social Media for the anti-Social
I know, I know. You’re a handbell director, so your focus is on the music: the phrasing, the technique, the notes. Then there’s the program, the concert theme, the logistics. It is a full job right? So who has time to mess with social media during our busiest times of the year? READ MORE
Featured Education Tool
Do you love to learn? Do you enjoy music? What are your feelings about a short road trip? We have the answer for you – National Seminar. The nation-wide handbell event will be in St. Louis this summer. With skilled faculty, first-class accommodations, and tons of sightseeing (in your down time), this is the event for you! LEARN MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this featured education tool.

Featured Membership Benefit
Do you feel like one or two of your ringers aren’t motivated? Do you have a difficult time planning how to introduce a new musician into your choir? Kathryn Aspenwall has developed several resources to aid you in keeping your musicians motivated, including ice breakers, covenants, games, and communication strategies. READ MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this fun membership benefit!