October 2018 Ringing News
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We're All in This Together
The church where I serve recently welcomed a new pastor. To get to know the church and its ministries/activities, and then to help cast a vision for the future, the pastor led several small groups through an exercise. He asked each person to answer only three questions. READ MORE
Your 2018/2020
Area 9 Board of Directors
Elected Members
Chair: Patty Highland
Chair Elect: Dellinda Ebeling
Past Chair: Ruth Seiwell
Secretary: Russell Miller
Treasurer: Chris Burton
These individuals make up the executive committee
Appointed Members
Membership: Andrew Dugan
Educational Activities: Jill Fite
Publications: Jeremy Springer
Oklahoma Rep: Sandy Milner
South Texas Rep: Amy Haller
North Texas Rep: Mark Arnold
West Texas Rep: Cathy Taylor
Member at Large: Kari Daelke
Featured Education Tool
Do you have handbell musicians who are in college or have just graduated? Are you a handbell musician in college or who has recently graduated? We have an event for you – College Ring In! Join your fellow musicians from around the country as you make music, read unpublished scores, and have access to industry insiders. LEARN MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this featured education tool.
Featured Membership Benefit
Have you ever wondered if other handbell musicians have the same problems you do in a rehearsal or performance – breaking springs, turning multiple pages, throwing mallets? Handbell Bloopers in the “Member Extras ‘specially for Ringers” section of national’s Member Center should answer your question and cheer you right up! READ MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this fun membership benefit!