Area 9 Events
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June 2020 Ringing News
Empower Your Non-Profit with Beautifully Crafted Visual Content Using Canva Pro
by Kari Daelke
We all know that great graphics can make all the difference in telling the story of the organizations that are dear to our heart. Budgets are tight and not everyone has the luxury of access to a graphic designer. Canva Pro, free to registered non-profits can be a tool to create these assets. The tool works online or with the iOS or Android app.
Chime Loan Program Accepting Applications
by Jill Fite
The Chime Loan Program was established by Area 9 in 2003 in order to promote the use of handchimes and handbells in educational settings in the states of Oklahoma and Texas. Applications are open now until July 31, 2020.
2020 Bell Tree Composition Contest
by Barb Brocker
The bell tree ringers from ‘Into the Forest’ are sponsoring a composition contest for bell tree with handbell choir music. Deadline is August 15. Prize is $2000.
The bell tree community is seeking music to help move bell trees from the periphery into the mainstream by seeing more bell trees playing with handbell choirs in concerts, church services, and other venues. We are defining the mainstream as handbell choirs who play level 2+ to 3 music and have 3 to 5 octaves of bells and probably chimes. We are seeking more music for this range.
For more detailed information about the contest, and to request an application, go to 2020 BT Composition Contest