Area 9 Events

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February 2019 Ringing News

Passionate & Radical…About Handbells?!?!
You meet someone new, the small talk begins, and you’re asked that question… ”So what do you do for fun?” And maybe one of your first answers is, “I ring handbells.” That now familiar moment of silence falls on the conversation, and you finally get one of several responses…

Featured Membership Benefit
We all enjoy watching dramas on TV, seeing comedies in theatre, and hearing a live orchestra. But did you ever think that you could combine all those things on handbells? In Rima Greer’s archived Member Chat “Moving Away from the Table: The Art of Handbell Theatre,” you’ll learn to see handbells and handbell music in a whole new light…and motion. READ MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this featured education tool.

Featured Education Tool
Maybe it doesn’t happen often, or maybe it happens all the time – you must load all of your handbells and equipment in a car. The task can be tedious, and you know that some heavy lifting is sure to be involved. Did you know that we have a tip sheet complete with pictures on packing your vehicle? LEARN MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this fun membership benefit!
