Area 9 Events

To have your event or concert listed on the Area’s website, please visit today.

November 2019 Ringing News

Reaching for Bronze
Have you wanted to apply for Distinctly Bronze but worry you are not yet at the skill level to be accepted? Then this is the event for you. During the event, instruction will be offered in building skills in treble, bass and battery techniques, as well as improving all aspects of musicianship. READ MORE

Get Your Concert Listed
Does your church choir or community ensemble have a holiday concert coming up in the next few weeks? Get your concert listed on Area 9’s event and concert page today. With an easy online form, your concert info will be seen by hundreds daily visitors. The best part? It’s free! What are you waiting for? GET LISTED
Your Handbell Member Center
Have you visited your HMA Member Center recently? There are so many new and exciting benefits just waiting for you. From past issues of Overtones and online-only resources for educators, community groups, and faith-based groups to fun games for ringers and clipart, your HMA membership gives you more than ever before! LEARN MORE
Not a member? Join HMA today to access these amazing member benefits.
A Quick Reminder

Do You Write?
Do you secretly love to write? We’re looking for new content to publish on our blog in 2020, and we’d love for you to help! If you enjoy writing short stories, informative articles, how-to guides, event reviews, or poetry, please consider sending your wordsmithing our way so we can share your talents with everyone in Area 9. GET PUBLISHED
Special December Ringing News Edition
If the allure of the hundreds of people who visit our website each day seeing your concert doesn’t excite you enough, Area 9 will be publishing a special December edition of Ringing News that will feature all the submitted concerts with dates in December. So not only will your concert be listed online, it will show up directly in hundreds of email inboxes the Monday after Thanksgiving! To be part of this special edition, please complete the concert listing form before 5pm on November 22nd. Those who have already submitted their dates will be automatically included. Who knows? You may even get your poster artwork featured!