Area 9 Events
To have your event or concert listed on the Area’s website, please visit today.

September 2020 Ringing News
Ruth Seiwell, In Memoriam
On Sunday, August 23, Area 9 lost one of its best: Ruth Seiwell. Ruth was the current Past Chair of the Area 9 board. Ruth has served on the board since 2006 in various roles: Membership Chair, Treasurer, Chair-elect, Chair, and Past Chair. Her knowledge of Area 9 history has been invaluable, and her leadership, kind approach, vision and never ending passion for handbells have served the area and the art of handbells well through the years.
Things I have learned about ringing Handbells During a Pandemic
by Sandra Milner
This time of quarantine, mask wearing, and social distancing has been a challenge for all of us in different areas of our lives. One thing we have learned is that ringing handbells is possible!
