Area 9 Events

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January 2020 Ringing News

Knowing Your Mission
When looking back on my Christmas ringing experiences, I remember the hours spent with fellow musicians, practicing new music, and laughing with friends. In preparation for a season filled with firsts, I found a shared intimacy ringing in an ensemble setting, a feeling I had never really achieved in a traditional choir. READ MORE

Your Brain on Improv
Musician and researcher Charles Limb wondered how the brain works during musical improvisation -- so he put jazz musicians and rappers in an fMRI to find out. What he and his team found has deep implications for our understanding of creativity of all kinds. WATCH VIDEO
Exchange & Bank
Are you looking for a handbell related job? Do you have handbells for sale? Handbell Musicians of America has a benefit for you! You can get your job or your equipment listed on HMA’s website so your needs, wants, and hopes can be shared with the entire handbell world. LEARN MORE

Your National Board
Do you know who your national board of directors is? Did you know that one of your national board members works for a family-owned hardware store? Each member serves the board for a total of six years. Elections occur every three years so that member terms are rotated. NATIONAL BOARD