Area 9 Events
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July 2019 Ringing News
Wow Moments
A rare and beautiful thing happened in the early part of May. A young boy let out a “WOW!” at the end of the Boston Handel & Haydn Society’s performance of Mozart’s Masonic Funeral Music. It went viral to identify the young music lover. A couple of days later… READ MORE
Featured Membership Benefit
We all hear how difficult it is for school districts to continue arts programs due to budget cutbacks, increased music costs, and lack of instruments. Area 9 has a solution – our Chime Loan Program! We’ll send your music department one three-octave set of chimes for the entire school year, includes some curriculum, and provide a qualified mentor to help your music classes soar off the page! LEARN MORE
Featured Education Tool
Marilyn Lake has developed a complete handchime curriculum based on the nine content standards in music education. Each lesson is designed to accommodate any length of music class as well as any grade from kindergarten through sixth. The best part? She has included performance pieces throughout! LEARN MORE
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Featured International Event