Area 9 Events
To have your event or concert listed on the Area’s website, please visit today.
July 2017 Ringing News
We're Ringing with the Rangers...Again!
From the Archives
It was the day before Christmas. The year was 2013. Two handbell manufacturers were approached by National Public Radio about a story to be broadcast all over the county. Listen to this piece of handbell history from the online NPR archives. It is sure to make you smile. Listen Now!
Handbells – It’s a Family Affair
I want to share with you another kind of “handbell family” that has developed at our church through the years. I share this with the hope that this story might inspire you and your handbell program, as we strive to build our music programs/ministries for all ages. Read More
Featured Education Tool
Several times each year, Overtones has reproducible music in a section called Tips & Tools. Processionals, bell tree music, theory exercises and complete songs have been provided in past issues. These reproducible tools are wonderful tools for the director on a budget or looking to try something new with their choir. If you don’t receive Overtones, you can start receiving this marvelous publication by visiting to join Handbell Musicians of America today!
Featured Membership Benefit
A new handbell rehearsal season will be starting next month for many choirs. The task of keeping returning musicians engaged while welcoming new musicians is not easy. Kathryn Aspenwall has created the perfect member benefit for us all! “Motivation of Members” is available to those with a Handbell Musicians of America membership. If you’re not a member, you can join to get this wonderful tool and many more by visiting today!
Another Handbell First!