Area 9 Events

To have your event or concert listed on the Area’s website, please visit today.

November 2018 Ringing News

2016-2018 Financial Update
The 2016-2018 financial report for Handbell Musicians of America Area 9 is available below. Handbell Musicians of America Area 9 is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) operated under the corporation laws of the State of Texas. If you have any questions about the Area’s financial data, please contact Jeremy Springer, Financial Advisor.

Featured Education Tool
Beginning in 2019, Handbell Musicians of America will be offering quarterly webinars giving members the opportunity to connect directly with national board members. Ask questions, discuss goals, and offer your ideas and suggestions related to the direction and future of Handbell Musicians of America. LEARN MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this featured education tool.

Featured Membership Benefit
Are you searching for an article that talked about bell trees? Do you remember an opening peal that was perfect for an upcoming event? Was there a rehearsal warmup exercise you meant to save? As a member of Handbell Musicians of America you can access the current issue and past issues online! READ MORE
Not a Guild member? JOIN TODAY for access this fun membership benefit!
